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Local Christian billionaire, Eric Price, speading the "gospel message."

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Local Christian billionaire, Eric Price, speading the "gospel message." Empty Local Christian billionaire, Eric Price, speading the "gospel message."

Post  slixpert Sun May 15, 2011 9:42 am

Local Christian billionaire, Blackwater's CEO Eric Prince, is at it again spreading his form of free-marketing into Arab nations. Apparently this brother of former Michigan Republican Party chair, Amway's Betsy Devos, has not slowed down much from the Iraq-Blackwater killing blunder a few years ago during the Bush administration's dubious effort of democratizing the region. Anyway, here is a link to a fascinating NT Times article published today (5.15.2011). Perhaps Doubtcasters can find some interest in this man from western Michigan.

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Join date : 2009-09-19

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