A comment from the RD blog regarding the newest episode:
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A comment from the RD blog regarding the newest episode:
Have fun, listeners:
1. Ray Comfort was actually taken out of context on the whole Banana thing - it was EDITED by critics to say what is now commonly thought of as his 'argument.'
2. Hitler, Darwin, and Eugenics
If you think that they are not historically related, you are fooling yourself. Seriously. See:
Darwin Understood the Social Application of his Theory
Atheist Atrocities
3. Free books and complaining - you should not complain about people who want to offer an alternate approach to your darwinian religion? You laud critiques of Christianity, yet you hate to see your own origin myths challenged. Hypocrites.
4. Evidence for natural selection is not evidence of evolution. Stop talking like neophytes.
5. Regarding blasphemy laws, Christians are against such things, it's only the Islamic crazies that support this nonsense.
But let me say that hate speech laws are the secular equivalent of blasphemy laws. Call homosexuals dysfunctional? Preach that it is a sin? Bigotry that should not be allowed.
Your contention that blasphemy laws have no victims should be applied to blanket condemnations of sexual immorality, be it promiscuity, adultery, or homosexuality. Otherwise, you're also trying to restrict free speech.
Hate Crimes Laws - needed reform or threat to free speech?
Hate speech laws and blasphemy laws - twin evils
September 29, 2009 4:01 PM
1. Ray Comfort was actually taken out of context on the whole Banana thing - it was EDITED by critics to say what is now commonly thought of as his 'argument.'
2. Hitler, Darwin, and Eugenics
If you think that they are not historically related, you are fooling yourself. Seriously. See:
Darwin Understood the Social Application of his Theory
Atheist Atrocities
3. Free books and complaining - you should not complain about people who want to offer an alternate approach to your darwinian religion? You laud critiques of Christianity, yet you hate to see your own origin myths challenged. Hypocrites.
4. Evidence for natural selection is not evidence of evolution. Stop talking like neophytes.
5. Regarding blasphemy laws, Christians are against such things, it's only the Islamic crazies that support this nonsense.
But let me say that hate speech laws are the secular equivalent of blasphemy laws. Call homosexuals dysfunctional? Preach that it is a sin? Bigotry that should not be allowed.
Your contention that blasphemy laws have no victims should be applied to blanket condemnations of sexual immorality, be it promiscuity, adultery, or homosexuality. Otherwise, you're also trying to restrict free speech.
Hate Crimes Laws - needed reform or threat to free speech?
Hate speech laws and blasphemy laws - twin evils
September 29, 2009 4:01 PM
Re: A comment from the RD blog regarding the newest episode:
My response:
1. I've seen the whole banana thing in it's entirety, Ray makes more of an ass of himself in the full version.
2. Eugenics could be called social Spencerism but it is certainly not something Darwin supported.
3. Agreed. I don't care about Ray's criticism, it's so bad that anyone with a modicum of intelligence can see through it.
4. Natural selection is part of evolution. Add to natural selection evidence for mutation (check) and evidence for heritability (check) and it's checkmate for evolution.
5. Good, Christians should be against blasphemy laws as they blaspheme constantly against Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, etc. Glad there is one point of agreement here.
1. I've seen the whole banana thing in it's entirety, Ray makes more of an ass of himself in the full version.
2. Eugenics could be called social Spencerism but it is certainly not something Darwin supported.
3. Agreed. I don't care about Ray's criticism, it's so bad that anyone with a modicum of intelligence can see through it.
4. Natural selection is part of evolution. Add to natural selection evidence for mutation (check) and evidence for heritability (check) and it's checkmate for evolution.
5. Good, Christians should be against blasphemy laws as they blaspheme constantly against Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, etc. Glad there is one point of agreement here.
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