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RD Extra: Denying Death

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RD Extra: Denying Death Empty RD Extra: Denying Death

Post  Admin Thu Jul 01, 2010 8:55 am

Post your comments on the Dr. Prof.'s presentation here.

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RD Extra: Denying Death Empty Re: RD Extra: Denying Death

Post  Aught3 Thu Jul 01, 2010 10:39 pm

That was fascinating, thanks for putting it out there.

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RD Extra: Denying Death Empty Very interesting.

Post  DelCapslock Sat Jul 03, 2010 2:59 pm

I had recently been coming to the realization of worldview being tied to self-esteem and meaning. I've been thinking especially about visceral negative reactions many of us have to certain public figures in the political and religious arenas (for me it's Pat Roberson and Rush Limbaugh, but I have friend at work who gets the same gut-level revulsion from Nancy Pelosi and Al Gore). Your presentation kind of clarified for me that this reaction comes from a visceral perceived threat to our respective worldviews. Also intriguing to me is the idea that your hypothesis itself represents a worldview, or at least a big part of one, and therefore any counter-thesis might represent a challenge that you would, by your reasoning, react with strong negative emotions. The point being that atheism represents a world view that is equally vulnerable to the "death denying" bias as the religious examples that dominated your discussion.

Last edited by DelCapslock on Mon Jul 05, 2010 9:41 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : clarifying a thought)


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RD Extra: Denying Death Empty Re: RD Extra: Denying Death

Post  Neon Genesis Mon Jul 05, 2010 1:06 am

This was a really enlightening episode and helped explain a lot about things I've wondered before like why people are so reluctant to change worldviews in debates. Like I've had debates with other atheists over non-religious worldviews like libertarian atheists who tended to be defensive when their worldview was challenged. Likewise I'm a liberal but I've been told I'm being argumentative in debates. So when someone does tell you you're being argumentative, should you take a step back and examine yourself to see if you are just being defensive of your worldviews? I wonder what worldviews would the doubcasters hosts be defensive of if they were reminded of death?

Neon Genesis

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RD Extra: Denying Death Empty Re: RD Extra: Denying Death

Post  JB Wed Jul 07, 2010 8:50 pm

I think its obvious. Id be defensive of my naturalist/humanist worldview. No shame in admitting this. We're human, weaknesses and all.

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Location : Grand Rapids, MI

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