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Godless Gamers, REPORT IN

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Godless Gamers, REPORT IN Empty Godless Gamers, REPORT IN

Post  MisterChristopher Fri Sep 18, 2009 8:31 am

I haven't seen a proper thread yet for our gaming heathens, so, here it is (maybe we can spark a proper flame war)!

I do PC gaming/Nintendo fanboyism, I'm currently playing TF2, Oblivion, the new Fallout 3 DLC, and Civ 4 on PC

I've got the Nintendo Wii and DS, from which I'm currently playing Muramasa: The Demon Blade, No More Heroes (one of the best games EVAR), Scribblenauts, and Henry Hatsworth in the Puzzling Adventure

Of those, I'm playing the most of TF2, Muramasa, and Scribblenauts

What are you all playing?
I'm sure we can make this go full circle and make this relevant to atheism, or for extra points, RD

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Godless Gamers, REPORT IN Empty Re: Godless Gamers, REPORT IN

Post  Stegocephalian Fri Sep 18, 2009 8:59 am

Haven't played computer games in a while - aside from the occasional flash game online. The last computer game I played was civ4, last time something like a year ago.

What I DO play is chess - mostly online at www.chess.com. I'm an admin (though not the founder) of a team called "The Godless" there, so if there are chess players among RD listeners, drop by and join! You'll find a direct link to the team page in my profile, in the contact info/website. Cool

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Godless Gamers, REPORT IN Empty Re: Godless Gamers, REPORT IN

Post  Fletch Fri Sep 18, 2009 9:29 am

I'm not a "gamer" in that I'm not actually good at anything, but if there's a game based on a comic book out for the Xbox 360, I probably have it and probably spend way too much time playing it.

If you're on XBox Live you can find me (and Momma Heathen) at Fletch815. She plays a lot of 'Left 4 Dead,' and I'm currently obsessed with both 'Batman: Arkham Asylum' and 'Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2.' Also a big fan of 'Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe.'

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Godless Gamers, REPORT IN Empty Re: Godless Gamers, REPORT IN

Post  jifrock Fri Sep 18, 2009 10:04 am

I haven't got 'da skilz' (I think that's what the kids say these days) to create a decent gaming PC and I am too cheap to buy one. xbox for moi. A lot of fifa - playing the demo for Fifa 10 - 360 degree dribbling is so sweet. Other than that - Fallout, Bioshock and Mass Effect are the titles I have abused the most recently.

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Godless Gamers, REPORT IN Empty Re: Godless Gamers, REPORT IN

Post  MisterChristopher Fri Sep 18, 2009 10:57 am

Cool I finished up Bioschock, Fallout 3 and Mass Effect not too long ago (on PC) all 3 amazing. Due to being a. poor and b. a cheep bastard, I haven't ventured into exbawks gaming yet, but I'd love to, mainly to play Tales of Vesperia, Batman, Lost Odyssey, Metal Gear Gear Solid 5 when it comes out. and have an online community that ventures outside of TF2 (which if you play that, my steam handle is [SCAM] The Goddamn Batman [CP]).

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Godless Gamers, REPORT IN Empty Re: Godless Gamers, REPORT IN

Post  Jim Fri Sep 18, 2009 12:00 pm

my xbox gamertag is "dead jim." i do love me some Left 4 Dead. i've also been playing Batman: Arkham Asylum lately, and, though i kinda suck, i'd be down to play GOW 1 or 2.

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Godless Gamers, REPORT IN Empty Re: Godless Gamers, REPORT IN

Post  pinnball Fri Sep 18, 2009 1:54 pm

I'm also on the xbox. GamerTag is Pinnball79

I think the rumor is that some new Left for Dead DLC will be coming out soon. If anyone wants to play let me know. I still need a lot of achievements for that one. Also have Rock Band and Guitar Hero plus others. Besides that I like playing board games and card games too. Not much of a PC gamer, used to play WoW, but gave it up for my own sanity. Plus Macs aren't the best for gaming.

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Godless Gamers, REPORT IN Empty Re: Godless Gamers, REPORT IN

Post  MisterChristopher Fri Sep 18, 2009 1:58 pm

Macs aren't best for anything (OH SNAP), but It's not DLC, it's a whole new Left 4 Dead

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Godless Gamers, REPORT IN Empty Re: Godless Gamers, REPORT IN

Post  pinnball Fri Sep 18, 2009 2:05 pm

ouch, oh no you didn't Smile C'mon where is the Mac love?


Of course this is all speculation...

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Godless Gamers, REPORT IN Empty Re: Godless Gamers, REPORT IN

Post  Jim Fri Sep 18, 2009 2:56 pm

Left 4 Dead 2 will be out nov. 17: http://www.l4d.com/home.html. it's gonna be great.

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Godless Gamers, REPORT IN Empty Re: Godless Gamers, REPORT IN

Post  karyn Sat Sep 19, 2009 11:44 am

I am kdub on steam, though my name is M.Rev.Dr.Vajayjay,MD, Regz or something like that. I play a lot of TF2. I played a lot of Oblivion but I travel for a living, so I'm not home enough to really get into anything. As it is, I get to play TF2 once every 3 weeks. Which means I'm not very good at it, but I like to get on and taunt the boys anyway. Friend me up, and we'll go a few rounds.

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Godless Gamers, REPORT IN Empty Re: Godless Gamers, REPORT IN

Post  MisterChristopher Sat Sep 19, 2009 1:13 pm

karyn wrote:I am kdub on steam, though my name is M.Rev.Dr.Vajayjay,MD, Regz or something like that. I play a lot of TF2. I played a lot of Oblivion but I travel for a living, so I'm not home enough to really get into anything. As it is, I get to play TF2 once every 3 weeks. Which means I'm not very good at it, but I like to get on and taunt the boys anyway. Friend me up, and we'll go a few rounds.

done and done

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Godless Gamers, REPORT IN Empty Re: Godless Gamers, REPORT IN

Post  Stanley Tue Sep 22, 2009 7:19 am

So I'm not really a "gamer" but I do enjoy a bit of fun.

I've made a Carl Sagan Mii character on the wii which I will happily send anyone if they are interested?

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Godless Gamers, REPORT IN Empty Re: Godless Gamers, REPORT IN

Post  qaelith.2112 Tue Sep 22, 2009 5:50 pm

I'm a gamer. I play far fewer games now than before my (now) 3 year old boy arrived, but I still play World of Warcraft and an occasional shot at Left 4 Dead or the various games in Valve's Orange Box. These days I can't be classified as a "hardcore" gamer in any of these, as I get predictably clobbered in Team Fortress 2 and I'm a mixture of some epic gear and a lot of blue/green stuff in WoW where I never raid and spend most of my occasional free moments of play time leveling up alts or doing random achievements.

Want to get the "godless" angle into this topic? How about the presence of proselytizers in online games? Once, I believe, I've seen a character with "atheist" in the name, but many many many times have seen either character or guild names that are overtly religious. In general chat, I can't recall a single instance where someone has initiated a discussion from a non-belief perspective but many times have seen "faith" centered or proselytization or "god-centered" remarks that were sometimes ignored and sometimes challenged. I've seen the equivalent of the blowhard street preacher in chat. One of my low-level alts was once invited into a newly-forming guild (I accepted to help charter it into existence but stayed for a bit) and after a few days of questing with the guild leader, was asked about my religious beliefs, and inevitably found myself being preached to. I guess I hung around for another day or two and found it more comfortable to go ahead and move my druid over to my main guild, something I was going to eventually do but wasn't in much of a hurry before.

You can't get away from the proselytizing no matter where you go, even in a fictitious world.


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Godless Gamers, REPORT IN Empty Re: Godless Gamers, REPORT IN

Post  MisterChristopher Tue Sep 22, 2009 6:27 pm

qaelith.2112 wrote:Want to get the "godless" angle into this topic? How about the presence of proselytizers in online games? Once, I believe, I've seen a character with "atheist" in the name, but many many many times have seen either character or guild names that are overtly religious. In general chat, I can't recall a single instance where someone has initiated a discussion from a non-belief perspective but many times have seen "faith" centered or proselytization or "god-centered" remarks that were sometimes ignored and sometimes challenged. I've seen the equivalent of the blowhard street preacher in chat. One of my low-level alts was once invited into a newly-forming guild (I accepted to help charter it into existence but stayed for a bit) and after a few days of questing with the guild leader, was asked about my religious beliefs, and inevitably found myself being preached to. I guess I hung around for another day or two and found it more comfortable to go ahead and move my druid over to my main guild, something I was going to eventually do but wasn't in much of a hurry before.

You can't get away from the proselytizing no matter where you go, even in a fictitious world.

Very interesting. I guess thanks to my last MMO experience being Guild Wars about a year ago, I haven't had much exposure to MMO preaching. Before then, I played WoW for a year, and I only encountered that once, but at the time, I was still a christian, so I didn't think too much of it. I just kinda ignored it (because even as a christian, I wasn't much into proselytizing) and moved along.

If you want to avoid all together, try out a role playing server. Since most of those people are "role-playing" the only proselytizing you may get is from one of the in game mythologies, otherwise, it's not much of an issue entirely

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Godless Gamers, REPORT IN Empty Re: Godless Gamers, REPORT IN

Post  qaelith.2112 Tue Sep 22, 2009 7:04 pm

Fantastic suggestion regarding the RP server. Had I the foresight, that's where I'd go. I'm tied to this PvE, non-RP server because that's where the gang of friends who coaxed me into this monthly fee were already living. These days, the server transfer fee wouldn't be such a barrier because I'm on a high population server and could transfer to a low population RP server for free (all 10 characters, 6 of which are level 70 or higher), but now I'm tethered to the server where my friends are still playing.

I feel as if I may have come across as making this seem like more of a problem than it actually is, though. This is maybe 4 years of incidents that I'm describing. I've seen many occurrences but spread over 4 years it really isn't that many in a given week. I suppose my point was more that these guys still show up even in games such as this and it's the Christians we're likely to see openly espoused as opposed to pretty much any other particular real-life worldview.


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Godless Gamers, REPORT IN Empty Re: Godless Gamers, REPORT IN

Post  pinnball Tue Sep 22, 2009 9:46 pm

from what I remember from my WoW days, the RP servers were always pretty vacant of people, and they really didn't care to RP either. I quit WoW last year, mainly because i couldn't keep up with anyone. I suffered from the same blue/green problem. Rolling Eyes

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Godless Gamers, REPORT IN Empty Re: Godless Gamers, REPORT IN

Post  Nicholas Wed Sep 23, 2009 2:25 am

Quite a nerdy bunch, aren't we? Smile

I'm primarily a 360 and PC gamer. Lately, the 360 has been dominating my gaming time with Batman: Arkham Asylum, Ghostbusters: The Video Game, and Bioshock. Batman: AA is a fantastic game, and a testament to its excellence is that you don't even have to be a fan of the Caped Crusader to enjoy it.

To qaelith: I've never been on a RP server in any game, but I do play a solid amount of MP games on my PC (TF2, Left 4 Dead, among others). I've never had an instance of cyber-proselytization that I can remember. It doesn't surprise me that this happens, however, as religious people are still religious even if capping zombies or racking up head-shots. I suppose this goes for most people in saying that when you're online playing a game, especially a competitive MP game, the focus tends to be on winning and not necessarily spreading the message.

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Godless Gamers, REPORT IN Empty Re: Godless Gamers, REPORT IN

Post  MisterChristopher Wed Sep 23, 2009 12:15 pm

I guess this would also be a good thread for you to post your x-box live gamer tag, steam handle, whatever PSN does, or your wii/ds friends codes here. I've already posted my steam handle, and I have no idea what my friend code is for my wii or ds (damn you nintendo for not getting this part down!)

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Godless Gamers, REPORT IN Empty Re: Godless Gamers, REPORT IN

Post  Stanley Fri Sep 25, 2009 4:02 pm

The number for my Carl Sagan Mii character on the wii is 6774-1895-8986

Feel free to add him and share the joy and silliness of it all.

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Godless Gamers, REPORT IN Empty Re: Godless Gamers, REPORT IN

Post  jifrock Fri Sep 25, 2009 6:36 pm

my xbox live gamer tag is Jifrock

However, I just ditched most of my games so I could pre order Fifa 10.

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Godless Gamers, REPORT IN Empty Re: Godless Gamers, REPORT IN

Post  Aught3 Sat Sep 26, 2009 12:10 am

I'm playing Sin of a Solar Empire (PC) at the moment and looking forward to Dragon Age: Origins. Yeah, I'm a PC gamer exclusively.

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Godless Gamers, REPORT IN Empty Re: Godless Gamers, REPORT IN

Post  timmeh Sat Sep 26, 2009 7:40 am

Seems like the XBOX is the system of choice here, does anyone game on a PS3? This is my preferred system, mainly because of the Gran Turismo series. That's what I'm addicted to, especially since I have acquired the Driving Force GT steering wheel.

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Godless Gamers, REPORT IN Empty Re: Godless Gamers, REPORT IN

Post  Jim Sat Sep 26, 2009 10:09 am

timmeh wrote:Seems like the XBOX is the system of choice here, does anyone game on a PS3? This is my preferred system, mainly because of the Gran Turismo series. That's what I'm addicted to, especially since I have acquired the Driving Force GT steering wheel.
ps3 sucks! there are many more games on the 360! developers hate developing for the ps3! ps3 home is lame and no one likes it! xbox rules!

*this is a joke. it's the kind of thing i see all the time from fanboys, and i always thing it's funny. sad people with sad lives. that said, uuhhhhhhhh, xbox rules!

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Godless Gamers, REPORT IN Empty Re: Godless Gamers, REPORT IN

Post  jifrock Sat Sep 26, 2009 10:21 am

Jim wrote:fanboys...always...sad people

I can't believe 'teh' craziness sometimes - the Pro Evo V Fifa crew are just bizarre.

I can only assume it's because they are, for the most part, 12 year olds and mummy doesn't know they're using swears. OMG!

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