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Error downloading *only* Reasonable Doubts podcasts

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Error downloading *only* Reasonable Doubts podcasts Empty Error downloading *only* Reasonable Doubts podcasts

Post  FurryMoses Mon Jul 12, 2010 7:19 pm

Is this just me?
I haven't been able to download any reasonable doubts podcasts for weeks.
In the interim, I've even reinstalled my operating system (to Win7) and reinstalled the latest version of ITunes - and still *only* Reasonable Doubts podcast fails to download (of at least 10 others. larger & smaller, which continue to download fine)
It happens after downloading about half-way, sometimes almost all the way, with error "-3259"

I was posting, not for technical help, but to confirm this is not a problem at the source?


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Join date : 2009-09-24
Location : Australia

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Error downloading *only* Reasonable Doubts podcasts Empty Re: Error downloading *only* Reasonable Doubts podcasts

Post  MisterChristopher Tue Jul 13, 2010 12:40 am

I used to have this problem and I'd have to manually download each episode. It doesn't that anymore, so I just assumed it was an itunes hick up among millions of others

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Age : 35
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Error downloading *only* Reasonable Doubts podcasts Empty Re: Error downloading *only* Reasonable Doubts podcasts

Post  Neon Genesis Tue Jul 13, 2010 12:46 am

Sometimes I used to get this problem with other podcasts on iTunes and not just with RD but I haven't gotten this error in awhile, so I also agree that it might be an iTunes problem.

Neon Genesis

Posts : 186
Join date : 2009-09-12

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